by Deanne Adams | become a writer, how to write books, rejection, write a book |
Should I get an editor before a publisher or agent? Before you start querying agents or publishers, you should write a great book. Whatever means you use to achieve it, you need to write the best book you can. That is the simplest answer possible. Publishers in...
by Deanne Adams | improving your writing skills, rejection, story writing, storytelling |
Do you get upset when people can’t see your story’s value? Especially when they say they’re interested in what you want to share with the world, but their actions don’t live up to this? They don’t read your blog (never mind share it),...
by Deanne Adams | confident writing, improving your writing skills, rejection |
Is nobody reading your stories? You’re probably doing THIS wrong… You write a story, put it out there… and nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nobody (apart from your mum) seems to care. It’s a powerful story, one which had an impact on you when you...
by Deanne Adams | advice for writers, become a writer, improving your writing skills, rejection |
Four things you should never say to a writer… There are some awful things you might have said to a friend who loves writing. You probably said them in all innocence. Allow me to explain why you should never, ever repeat them, since your friend is unlikely to...