by Thor Odinson | become a writer, Mentoring for Writers, story writing, storytelling |
It happens to many of us. But having a group with the same goals can make it less lonely. That’s why I started my membership group – Storytellers Elite – as a place for writers to connect. It combines three key elements to support your progress with...
by Deanne Adams | become a writer, Book Forge, creative writing, story writing, storytelling |
When you have some ideas for writing, but you’re not familiar with the fancy words that writers use. Have you ever felt intimidated when you hear writers talk about their craft? I know I have. When I was hosting a live event recently, I realised that I was...
by Deanne Adams | become a writer, how to write books, storytelling, write a book |
A common writing wish is to write books for children. A children’s author has lots of genre options, just like authors who write for adults. There’s children’s fantasy fiction, adventure, crime, even horror. Why choose to write for children, though? There’s something...
by Deanne Adams | advice for writers, how to write books, improving your writing skills, storytelling |
Advice for Writers: Show don’t Tell The advice writers are most often given is ‘show don’t tell’. In Facebook writing groups, critique groups, writers’ circles, creative writing workshops, the mantra is ‘show don’t tell’. What does it even mean? What are you...
by Deanne Adams | become a writer, how to write books, story writing, storytelling |
Writers Block We all get writer’s block sometimes. Today it’s my turn to get it. I warmed up the laptop, squeezed my cuppa onto my very messy desk, and sat down to write. The post I planned on writing wouldn’t come out, though. It was going to be one...
by Deanne Adams | become a writer, confident writing, how to write books, improving your writing skills, storytelling |
Are you writing stories that no one will ever read? ‘Sure, I’ll read your boring novel. The way you’ve told it is like wading through mud, your characters speak like robots and you’ve written lots of dull and pointless description, but I know...