Writing doesn’t have to be lonely.
Joining Storytellers Elite gives you the accountability, guidance and community you’ve been looking for. If you're a writer with long term goals, find out how to become a member. Or you can join in as a guest at our next monthly online meeting to try it out first.
Monthly Virtual Workshop for Writers
Storytellers Elite offers support, learning and community for writers who want to make a career out of their writing.
I hold a monthly online group meeting where you’ll find a small, friendly community of writers. We meet to cover a topic that helps you develop as a writer, inviting discussion and sharing experiences.
(Storytellers Elite members benefit from this monthly workshop as part of their membership.)
Try Storytellers Elite
Join as a guest for our next virtual meeting
Writing Workshops
Nobody is just born to write. Every successful writer has spent time honing their craft. This creative writing workshop in South Wales is your chance to get ahead of the game.
Each workshop offers you a half day kick-start to develop your interest in writing stories and help you turn it into something more than a hobby. There are several problems that stop aspiring authors ever doing something about it … lack of time, confidence and good advice, getting stuck in your own head, those ‘who am I to do this?’ gremlins – and plain old-fashioned procrastination.
We will work through these blocks to your success. You’ll get the insider knowledge on what makes a story really work, from characters your readers love (or love to hate), to what showing rather than telling really means. You’ll learn how to create story people that are believable and get them moving around in your story world in a natural way that pushes your story onward.
You’ll get writing prompts to create your own story (so bring your favourite notebook), some blessed time away from distractions to actually write, and the chance to get useful feedback. Your ticket also includes a writer’s survival kit – including a copy of my book Telling Stories With Spark.
To find out more about the next workshop, please get in touch.