My Blogs
Plot or Character First?
Deciding whether to create a plot or a character first can be a challenge. Writing fiction can feel like going around in circles, constantly changing your mind about which element to focus on – plot or character.
There’s a short answer and a long answer.
Why Is Writing So Hard?
Writers find it hard to put their story ideas onto paper for various reasons. It can be an unhealthy degree of perfectionism. It can be a lack of confidence in their skill or originality. It can be the lack of a writing habit – that is, a lack of consistent practice. A new writer often meets a stumbling block early on when they realise that writing a novel (or any other book) is not as simple as they first thought.
How to Overcome Perfectionism as a Writer
Perfectionism is a common trait amongst writers. It is especially true of fiction writers, who often spend hours worrying over their exact word choices and word order. They might lose half an hour deliberating over a comma. Does this sound like you?
If you recognise yourself in this, then know this. Perfectionism is not serving you.
How to Write a Novel for Beginners
You want to write a novel. You’ve got some story ideas bouncing around your head, but you don’t know how to even begin. Every novel you read makes you want to write your own book too, yet it also scares you.
Those novels you read are just so… good. They’re polished and clever and well written. It makes you feel that you could never write something good enough so you maybe shouldn’t bother.
What Does Show Don’t Tell Mean In Writing?
The advice writers are most often given is ‘show don’t tell’. In Facebook writing groups, critique groups, writers’ circles, creative writing workshops, the mantra is ‘show don’t tell’. What does it even mean? What are you supposed to achieve with that? It sounds confusing. It sounds like you’re meant to draw pictures for your readers rather than write them a story.
How to Write a Story that Will Make Someone Cry
Many writers wish they knew how to write a story that will make someone cry. They want to know how to make their readers feel such strong emotion that they sob while reading about fictional characters. How do you do that?
How to Write a Book to Generate Leads
It seems that every business owner wants to know how to write a book to generate leads. They want to stand out from the crowd. They want to attract more clients and position themselves as an expert in their industry. How do you write a book that will generate leads for your business?
How Do I Self-Publish a Book to Build my Brand?
How you can self-publish a book to build your brand and make your audience fall in love with your message? You want to attract more customers and position yourself as an expert. And of course a book is a great way to do that. It’s low cost to the reader and is incredibly shareable in its format. But going straight to asking ‘how do I publish a book?’ is not the place to start.
How to Write a Book to Build Your Brand
Many branding experts recommend writing a book. Often, their top tip for building your brand is to write a book. Yes, it is a good idea to do this, for all the reasons they say it is. More specifically, it is a good idea to write a GOOD book.
Writer’s Block: Come Back, Inspiration Fairy, Come Back!
We all get writer’s block sometimes. Today it’s my turn to get it. I warmed up the laptop, squeezed my cuppa onto my very messy desk, and sat down to write. No more excuses. Of course I can write this. I’m a writer.
Would you run a marathon with no training?
Would you get up tomorrow and decide run a marathon? You might decide you wanted to run a marathon, true. You might decide that you were going to start running this week and plan...
Sure I’ll read your boring novel … said no reader ever.
Are you writing stories that no one will ever read? 'Sure, I'll read your boring novel. The way you've told it is like wading through mud, your characters speak like robots and...