So you want to write fiction…

Deanne Adams, Story Coach and Mentor. Write the best book you can.
Written by Deanne Adams


Teaching writers to write fiction

Did I ever tell you that I’m not only a writer, but I’m also a teacher? That’s important. I help you from all directions. Let me explain.

No doubt you’ll be seeing adverts for various experts offering help for writers. When you’re using social media, does the algorithm show you tons of stuff about writing? You’ll see loads of courses that teach you how to finish writing your novel. Or mounds of masterminds about the craft of storytelling. Scores of memberships and Facebook groups that promise to help you along the way.

You’ll read about Killing your Darlings or Showing not Telling – and are probably sick of seeing the same thing again and again. Here’s the thing. They might have great content. They might be friendly groups. They might offer accountability. I can do ALL those things. But I can also do more.

I know how I write a novel because I’m a writer. The difference is that I can help you find your way to write a novel because I’m a teacher. Tailored advice is what I do differently.

I don’t just show you what I have done. I show you what you could do and help you find a way that will suit you. I know there’s more than one way to do something. My job is not to try to get you to repeat what I do. It’s to get you to do it in a way that will work for you.

Learn to write fiction

That’s how I help you from all directions. That’s why my teaching experience is so important. Don’t think you just need to see what your favourite writer did and copy that. It might not work for you.

Discover what works for you. Get in touch today to find out more about how I can teach you to become a better writer.

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I care passionately about words and stories. As a Story Coach and Mentor, I help writers to tell irresistible stories. I offer courses, memberships and programmes to suit beginners, developing writers and those ready to become the writer they’ve been trying to be for years.

Learn how to ‘Show more than you tell’ in your writing with my free workbook – your guide to an engaging storytelling style. You can also follow me on Facebook for more tips to support your writing journey.

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