Navigate your Writing ‘Road Bump’ Package

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your novel?

It’s exciting when you start writing your novel. You’ve got all these ideas and you set off on that road at high speed.

At some point, you hit a bump in the road. You’ve gone down a blind alley somewhere and you can’t see how to carry on writing. Is the problem a character issue? A plot issue? A structure issue?

…and then reality hits. You’re lost in the middle of your story, facing frustrating roadblocks.

You need help or you’re going to give up writing the novel. But what help is there?

You know there are editors out there, but they can only help if you’ve written a manuscript. If you’re halfway through your novel and stuck, that’s no help. You need a guide to get you through this critical stage.

You’re not alone.

I understand your frustration and I’ve got a solution.



Imagine: A clear path forward for your novel!

My Navigate Your Writing ‘Road Bump’ Package helps you figure out the shape of your novel, discuss your characters and improve your plot so you can get over this sticky patch and move on with clarity and confidence. 

In a ‘power hour’ online, we’ll make your story stronger, identify what should happen in Chapter One, your midpoint, your climax, and your resolution. You’ll also receive personalised feedback to polish your writing.
Together, we’ll turn your story into a compelling and satisfying outline that directs you in your writing with a clear roadmap. 


Transform your story in just one hour

Once we’ve talked and you’ve written your first chapter (up to 5k words), you can send me up to 5k words of your writing for feedback on your style.

Any novel has to appeal to the right sort of reader. I’ll let you know where you’re hitting the mark in writing well for your reader, and where you could make changes and improvements.

 This package is ideal if you’ve hit a snag in the first or second draft stage of your writing. It is designed for writers at a crossroads, ready to take their draft to the next level.

Don’t let your novel stay unfinished!

What you’ll achieve with the Road Bump Package

Goal setting

Decide the audience for your book and what you will achieve with your writing

A strong start

Identify the shape of the book and where to start your story

Your questions answered

Help with queries about your writing project and what to focus on next

1:2:1 Power Hour

Video call (1 hr.) to analyse your story and allow you to make progress

Your first chapter

Professional feedback on your writing with guidance for improvements


Commentary of up to 5k words to suggest further development

Writing Road Bump Package £167

Book now and get over that road bump!

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