

Copywriting Service

You know what your business is about. What it stands for. Every business – no matter how small – stands for something. But are you conveying this to your customers? Perhaps you can’t quite phrase it as you would wish. Or maybe you just don’t have the time to get around to it, meanwhile, that new business is slipping away.

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Proofreading Service

Why you need a proofreading service:

* Common mistakes such as poor punctuation and spelling can easily result in a lower mark.
* Clients do not want to have to work out what you are trying to say – they will simply go to your competitors.
* Editors will pass over a manuscript if it is poorly presented or contains grammatical errors.

I can help you solve these issues and get noticed.

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Student Rates

My student rates start at £6.00 per 100 words, reducing to £5.50 for documents over 20,000 words.

This will depend on the depth or correction work which needs to be done. This is why I ask you to send me a sample before we agree terms.

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Contact Me

If there is something that you need that is not mentioned here then please contact me and we can discuss further.