
Writing doesn’t have to be lonely.

Storytellers Elite membership gives you direct, regular access to me plus other benefits. It is perfect if you have long-term writing goals.

Storytellers Elite

It combines three key elements to support your progress with your writing projects and your development as a writer.


1:1 session online every month to help you make progress with your project


Access to my private Facebook group where I run weekend challenges and give feedback to keep you on track and motivated


1:1 session online every month to help you make progress with your project

Joining Storytellers Elite gives you the accountability, guidance and community you’ve been looking for.

You already know that the way to produce a story is to sit down and write it. You already know that there’s always something else to learn.

This is what Storytellers Elite helps you do in practical terms.

Learning, support and encouragement for amateur writers.

Join Storytellers Elite

Begin your membership today – or contact me to book a call to discuss whether membership will be a good fit for you.

Storytellers Elite


In your monthly 1:1 session, we discuss anything that will help you make progress. That might be plot holes or character development. World building or dialogue. Setting goals and time frames. Our topic for discussion is always what you need it to be. The approach I always take is to meet you where you are and help you find the path in front of you.


The monthly group workshop is where you find the friendly community of like-minded writers that meets to discuss an element of the craft of writing. It’s not a lecture style session – I bring a topic to the table and we see where it goes. Everyone has their own experiences of writing, reading and watching stories and everyone goes away with more food for thought.

In my Facebook group, you have opportunities to post pieces of writing for feedback.

It is visible only to members of the group, not to everyone online. It’s a great way to develop your confidence to put work out there for others to see without the whole world seeing the critique.

It’s a group that exists to cheer everyone on. We celebrate each other’s successes, help each other through sticky spots and pool our knowledge.

“I’ve worked with Deanne for over a year now, and she is a great coach. Thanks to her advice and encouragement, my first book is now out!” 

Kell Willsen, Author.

Join Storytellers Elite

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Deanne Adams - Story Coach and Mentor

Becoming a member

Storytellers Elite is for writers who know they’re on a journey of improvement. Every member is at a different stage but that’s why it works. Storytellers Elite is not a writing course – it’s a supportive group that moulds to its writers.

When you become a member, I ask a minimum commitment of a year’s membership. At a monthly cost of £60 this is great value. Most Elite members stay with me much longer than that. In fact, the longer they stay, the greater the value they get from each month with me. They develop confidence, skill, and often move into careers as professional authors.

Join Storytellers Elite

Begin your membership today – or contact me to book a call to discuss whether membership will be a good fit for you.