
Transform your Writing and Create Irresistible Stories

Do you want to have your novels and short stories getting great reviews? Would you love to see someone reading one of your books on the train? Is it your dream to have someone get in touch just to tell you how much they love your work?

But is it harder than you thought to get people to take notice of your writing? Are you suffering doubt that you have the talent or imagination to tell a good story? Do you know how to structure a good beginning, middle and end, but you struggle to get the actual words out on the page?

Are you looking for a creative writing course that can transform your stories ?

You may sometimes doubt your own skills to write a story. You might feel demoralised when you read others’ work – it seems like they must have been just born that way. Maybe you feel almost ready to give up.

Learn to tell

Irresistible Stories…

and let them think

you were born that way!

Here’s the thing… talent isn’t everything. Working at making your writing better will win over raw talent without the effort, every time. It is best summarised by Ernest Hemingway. He said, “It is none of their business that you had to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way.”

If even Hemingway knew that writing stories was not just a natural gift – you can either do it or you can’t – then why shouldn’t YOU be able to learn too? I can help you on the next step of your journey to becoming the writer who seems to have been ‘born that way’.

‘Why Don’t People Pay Attention to My Stories?’

Don’t take it personally. Our brains receive thousands of messages every day. We filter most of them out without even knowing we are doing it. It isn’t anything to do with YOU that people don’t pay attention to your stories.

The Storytellers’ Academy can help you get people to WANT to read your work. This creative writing LIFETIME course teaches you to tell stories in a way that engages their imaginations and emotions, and gets them hanging on your every word.

If this sounds like you, The Storytellers’ Academy is for you. Join today.

Online Creative Writing Course

The Storytellers’ Academy coaches you in the solid techniques to write a story that readers will find irresistible. It is an in-depth writing course that helps you develop your writing style from word-level up, rather than the theory and structure-level down.

You will also have regular opportunities for practice based on story prompts and regular feedback on those pieces. I deliver these benefits through a members-only Facebook group, away from the observation of the general public.

I teach you how to engage your audience so that they feel like they are really there in your story and experiencing it for themselves. By achieving this you will be able to build your fan base of avid readers who can’t wait to read your next work.

Perhaps they will be convinced that YOU are a great writer who was just born that way!

 I Can Teach You the Secrets of Writing Stories

Whether the stories you want to tell are fictional or personal, the same principles of storytelling apply. They are the principles that have applied ever since people first learned to communicate through speech. It’s not a fad or a fashion… it’s the way people get into others’ imaginations and emotions.

Gaining the skills and techniques to write stories is an activity that takes persistence and regular review. That is why membership of The Storytellers’ Academy is yours for as long as you want. It is not a short term creative writing course that pushes you through a series of exercises.

 The Storytellers’ Academy

Creative writing course

The modules are designed to break down the skills of storytelling to word level. This helps you learn how to build a strong foundation for your writing. It means that you will be able to put one word after another and have confidence that you are creating an engaging piece. I have been determined in creating The Storytellers’ Academy that it will not be just another creative writing course that shows a lengthy example of something and invites you to produce something similar. I am determined to help you genuinely understand how you can choose and place your words wisely.

When you join The Storytellers’ Academy, you also gain access to the members-only Facebook group. This is more than a support group. It is an integral part of the process of becoming a fantastic writer of stories. There you will be able to practise and develop your new skills with regular challenges and gain valuable feedback. To be a writer, you must write.

In addition to this, joining The Storytellers’ Academy gives you a 1:1 hour long mentoring session with me. (Valued at £97 when bought separately from a package.) Additional 1:1 sessions can be booked by Storytellers’ Academy members at a discounted rate of £57.

Individual mentoring is invaluable for helping you see your way through the maze when you are working on your projects. You can get new ideas, check on whether you’re making your current ideas work for you, plus that vital accountability. Sessions are delivered over Zoom.

Don’t believe the LIE!

The LIE is the message which has grown up over recent generations that great storytellers are born that way. That the rest of us can’t possibly become wonderful storytellers because the words don’t just flow out of us as we wish they would.

Here’s the truth… those great writers…? They have to work on it, too. They have to learn their craft. (Even the likes of Hemingway.) They make mistakes. They suffer self-doubt. Just like the rest of us.

You can learn.
The Storytellers’ Academy can get you there.

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The Storytellers' Academy

 Contact me to book a call to discuss whether membership will be a good fit for you.
Or if you’re not quite ready for a call, sign up to stay in touch by email.

  • Do you want to transform your stories and get people hanging on your every word?
  • Do you want to get to grips with how to put one word after another and have confidence that you’ve done it well?
  • Do you want to be part of an online community of like-minded individuals?
  • Do you want to tell stories which really engage people’s imaginations and emotions?
  • Do you want to ENJOY storytelling?

If you recognise yourself, then The Storytellers’ Academy is absolutely for you.

  • LIFETIME access to all modules and materials
  • Coaching videos
  • Activity sheets
  • 1:1 mentoring session (1 hour) worth £97
  • Access to The Storytellers’ Academy Facebook group, where you’ll find:
    • Lives, Q&As, tips
    • Regular challenges which are essential to keep you writing and developing your techniques
    • Feedback
    • Opportunities to find like-minded individuals

Once you’re in – you’re in. No upgrade fees. However much the joining fee is at the time you join, that’s what you pay.