Whether you want to tell fictional stories or true life stories, short stories or epic novels, I can help you tell stories your readers will find irresistible. You see, if you want your stories to gain attention, it’s not enough to put the words of what happens down on paper. You have to give people a reason to listen to you. You need to grab them by the imagination and get into their emotions.

Learn the solid techniques to tell a story that people will find irresistible. I teach you how to engage your audience so that they feel like they are really there in your story and experiencing it for themselves.


write the middle - online course for writers


In three easy stages, I’ll help you learn the shape of a great story and practical ways to get the words out of your head and on to the page.

Show dont tell - online course for writers


This online course is about helping you master that tricky beast of fiction, showing and telling, so that you can plant your story in your readers’ imaginations and hearts.

write the middle - online course for writers


Write the Middle of Your Novel helps you to get your first draft done by overcoming the sense of overwhelm that comes with writing the middle section of your novel.

Show don't tell free workbook


Prefer to see what I mean by ‘showing’ and ‘telling’?

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‘Why Don’t People Pay Attention to My Stories?’

Don’t take it personally. Our brains receive thousands of messages every day. We filter most of them out without even knowing we are doing it. It isn’t anything to do with YOU that people don’t pay attention to your stories.

The Storytellers’ Academy courses can help you get people to WANT to read your work. 

Learning, support and encouragement for amateur writers.


The LIE is the message which has grown up over recent generations that great storytellers are born that way. That the rest of us can’t possibly become wonderful storytellers because the words don’t just flow out of us as we wish they would.

Here’s the truth… those great writers…? They have to work on it, too. They have to learn their craft. (Even the likes of Hemingway.) They make mistakes. They suffer self-doubt. Just like the rest of us.

You can learn. The Storytellers’ Academy can get you there.