Coaching to Become a Better Writer

Maybe you’re finally writing your first novel. Or perhaps you have worked for years on your writing. Scribbling away on your own, It could be you’re getting feedback from a supportive writing group in the same boat as you, or maybe you’re keeping it to yourself.

You know the importance of showing and telling, dialogue, character development, tension and suspense. You’ve got it sorted then, right? The world of bookshops and readers is about to fall in your lap.

But maybe that’s not quite happening yet. You face more obstacles.

You might feel like there’s still something missing from your writing, but you can’t put your finger on it. That half-written novel is still sitting in the drawer, waiting for you to be ‘inspired’ to finish it.

The complete manuscript you’ve sent out to agents and publishers might have got some positive feedback… but always with the comment that ‘it’s not quite ready yet’ or ‘it’s not for us’. So you know it needs work but you don’t exactly how or what.

You might not have plucked up the confidence to approach an agent or publisher yet. It’s not easy to get a publishing deal or a literary agent to take you on their books. There are still barriers to your success.  

How Story Coaching can Help

I can help you gain the clarity you crave regarding what you want to achieve with your writing, how you can get there, and to help you experience those ‘light bulb’ moments regarding your writing style and structure.

This coaching programme is designed to lift the fog surrounding the remaining obstacles to your success as a writer of fiction or personal stories. The problems you face as a writer will be personal to you and your work, which is why we will take a highly individualised approach to your coaching.

Typically you can expect us to discuss issues such as:

  • confidence and self-doubt
  • productivity
  • writing the book you really want to write
  • identifying your readership and genre
  • giving those readers what they expect
  • making your readers love your characters like you do
  • writing a powerful opening
  • keeping your readers hooked on your plot
  • developing your writing style
  • overcoming writer’s block
  • choosing your route to publishing

Become a Better Writer through Coaching

The Become a Better Writer programme allows us to take this holistic approach to coaching, and helps you to identify and break down your obstacles faster.

You’ll benefit from the accountability that comes from setting goals and time frames for achieving them.

Like all coaching should, Become a Better Writer empowers you. 

In this case, it empowers you to become the writer you want to be. It’s not sitting down and editing your work to ‘fix’ it.

We might mark up some parts of your writing or do a writing exercise to unblock you, but that’s so that you gain clarity on how to express yourself as you really mean to. Then you can apply it to other sections of your work too, and carry the learning forward to other projects.

The gains you will make through the programme are much wider and longer term than the narrow focus of editing alone. We talk about you as a writer and your writing process – not just the words you’ve written on the page.

Compare Coaching Packages

*this is not a full edit – annotation to make suggestions and give pointers, although some sections may be fully edited.

How Does the Programme Work?

All packages within the Become a Better Writer programme are based around 1:1 sessions that give you exclusive use of my time and insights.

I offer three packages within the programme to allow flexibility in the depth of coaching you want. We can have face to face meetings (location dependent) but I generally work through conference calls/video calls, meaning we can work together on your writing project and your development as a writer wherever you are in the world.

Is the Programme Right For Me?

Contact me to set up a free video call (using Zoom).

I’d love to chat to see if we are a good fit for you to get the help you want and to make massive progress on your writing journey.

Feeling stuck with your writing?

You try to write the first part of the middle, hoping to get through it. But after a few scenes or chapters, you feel like you have nothing more to say. Does that sound familiar?

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