Get your novel out into the world!

Deanne Adams, Story Coach and Mentor. Write the best book you can.
Written by Deanne Adams


Support, guidance, accountability and community for new writers

Fiction Academy is an end-to-end programme to help you get a novel into the world. It is ideal for new writers and those who have written short fiction.

Long-form fiction writing – typically novels – requires particular knowledge and skills. You also need support, guidance, accountability and a community that wants you to succeed.

You also need honest feedback so you know when you’re ready to publish. Then comes the challenge of publishing – cover design, manuscript formatting… and the tech side, such as adding categories to KDP.

I have teamed up with Authors & Co., a fabulous partnership publisher. We would like to offer you Fiction Academy to take care of all those needs.

First, you will learn all the essentials of writing a novel through a full digital course. How to write a scene, character creation, plotting, narrative perspective and voice are some of the lessons you will get to grips with. This will give you confidence and a whole range of lightbulb moments to help you begin creating your novel.

Then, you receive twelve months’ membership in my Storytellers Elite group. This is a supportive community based on hivemind learning and support, including monthly group sessions and one-to-one sessions, writing challenges, feedback and writing sprint sessions, all with the aim of keeping you focused on making progress with your project.

When your manuscript is ready and fit for publication, you get a copyedit of it to polish it up. Then the Authors & Co. team take over – professional cover design and formatting before publishing, plus the uploading of all the files and the best category selections.

Fiction Academy is high-end value and support. You don’t have to struggle for years on your own. You don’t have to put off your writing because you don’t know how to start.

Get started today.

Short Stories that work - online course by Deanne Adams, Story Coach and mentor

Fiction Academy

Fiction Academy is available from spring 2023. For more information, head to Authors & Co

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