Find yourself wishing that you’d started writing a different story?

Deanne Adams, Story Coach and Mentor. Write the best book you can.
Written by Deanne Adams


You can’t just abandon your idea, can you?

Do you find yourself wishing that you’d started writing a different story when you’re too invested in the first idea to quit?

You know how it goes. You have this brilliant idea for a story that you’re super excited about. You start writing it with enthusiasm and passion, thinking it’s going to be the best thing ever. You outline the plot, develop the characters, create the world, and everything seems to be going smoothly.

But then, something happens. You lose interest in the story or you realise that the idea is not as original or compelling as you thought. Or you discover a new idea that sounds way more fun and exciting than the one you’re working on. Whatever the reason, you suddenly find yourself wishing you’d started writing a different story instead.

But you can’t just abandon the first idea, can you? You’ve written thousands of words, maybe even tens of thousands. You’ve told your friends and family about it, maybe even your readers if you have a platform. You’ve made a commitment to finish it, to yourself and to others. You can’t just give up on it now. Or can you? 

Well, maybe you can, or should. Maybe it’s better to follow your heart and write what you really want to write, rather than force yourself to write something that doesn’t inspire you anymore. Maybe it’s okay to let go of the first idea and start fresh with the second one. Perhaps it’s not too late to change your mind.

On the other hand, maybe you shouldn’t. Is it better to stick with the first idea and see it through to the end, rather than jump from one idea to another without ever finishing anything? Maybe it’s okay to keep working on something that doesn’t excite you anymore, because you know it has potential and value. You ponder if it’s not too late to rediscover your love for the first idea and make it work.

So how do you decide? I have some thoughts and tips that might help you if you’re in this situation:


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Find yourself wishing that you’d started writing a different story? Read this first

  • Take a break from both ideas. Sometimes, the best thing to do when you’re stuck or unhappy with your writing is to do nothing. Step away from it for a while. Give yourself some time and space to clear your mind and recharge your creativity. Do something else that makes you happy or relaxed. When you come back to your writing, you might have a fresh perspective and a renewed motivation.

  • Reevaluate both ideas. After taking a break, try to look at both ideas objectively and honestly. Ask yourself why you started writing the first idea in the first place, and what made you lose interest in it. Ask yourself why you want to write the second idea now, and what makes it more appealing than the first one. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of both ideas, and weigh the pros and cons of switching or staying.

  • Listen to your gut feeling. Ultimately, only you can decide what’s best for your writing and your happiness. Don’t let external factors or expectations influence your choice. Ignore what others might think or say about your decision. Listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition. If your gut feeling tells you to switch ideas, then switch. If it tells you to stay with the first idea, then stay.

  • Commit to your choice. Once you’ve made up your mind, don’t look back or second-guess yourself. Make your choice and follow through with it. If you decide to switch ideas, then archive the first one and start working on the second one with enthusiasm and confidence. If you decide to stay with the first idea, then ignore the second one and keep working on the first one with dedication and perseverance. Do not throw anything away. You might return to it later. You might reuse parts of it. Writers are great recyclers.

  • Enjoy the process. Whatever choice you make, remember that writing is supposed to be fun and fulfilling. Don’t let stress or pressure ruin your enjoyment of the process. Don’t focus on the outcome or the result, but on the journey and the experience. Don’t compare yourself or your work to others, but appreciate your own uniqueness and creativity.

I know it’s not easy, but I believe you can overcome it and write the story that you truly want to write. And I’m here to support you and cheer you on, as always. 

Learning, support and encouragement for amateur writers.


I care passionately about words and stories. As a Story Coach and Mentor, I help writers to tell irresistible stories. I offer courses, memberships and programmes to suit beginners, developing writers and those ready to become the writer they’ve been trying to be for years.

Learn how to ‘Show more than you tell’ in your writing with my free workbook – your guide to an engaging storytelling style. You can also follow me on Facebook for more tips to support your writing journey.

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